This week we will be taking a little bit of a different approach as we see done in Acts. This week we will be talking about the Church, the body of believers; the community of witnesses.
Day 22: The church of witnesses should be involved in outreach. (Acts 11:19-26)
In the early days of the church in Jerusalem, they were the center of the Christian Witness to the Gentiles. With the establishing of a church in Antioch and their outreach to Gentiles, the focus in Acts shifts to that congregation, as will we.
This passage basically records the church reaching out to the Gentiles in the name of Jesus and the gospel.
Day 23: The church of witnesses should be involved with helping other churches in their time of need. (Acts 11:27-30)
These three verses communicate a difficult time for the church at Jerusalem. A time of famine.
The disciples were determined, however, that to the best of their ability, they would send relief to the church.
Paul and Barbabas represented the church in Antioch by conveying it's offering in this time of need.
How does your church add up? Do you do your best to help other bodies of believers in their time of need?
Day 24: The church of witnesses will face persecution. (Acts 12:1-5)
We already know that being a individual witness will come with it's persecutions and enemies, but here we see that Herod, who was king at this time, realized the power of the church community and vowed to bring it down. The apostle James died by Herod's sword.
And this made the Jews kind of happy. When Herod saw this, he continued to arrest Peter.
So how is the church to respond to persecution? With earnest prayer made to God by the church. (v. 5)
Day 25: The church of witnesses will persevere through trials with the help of God. (Acts 12:6-19)
Again we see that when people are doing the will of God and praying in earnest, God will always bring them out of it.
In this instance, we see Peter being released from jail by the messenger of the Lord.
This should be a great encouragement to us; if we are doing God's will and He is on our side, what do we have to fear?
Day 26: The church of witnesses will be triumphant through persecution. (Acts 12:20-25)
This is basically just Herod bringing about his own death. Through all the persecution he was giving to the church, the church stayed faithful because they had God on their side.
God eventually won the victory for them by striking Herod down for failing to give glory to Him.
And the result was that the word of God was increasing! God's word will not return void.
Day 27: The church of witnesses may commission people to spread the gospel on a wide mission. (Acts 13:1-3)
A church must listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
While the church was "worshipping and fasting" (ingredients for listening to the Holy Spirit), the Holy Spirit told the to set apart Saul and Barnabas for God's work. There was no hesitation. As soon as the finished praying they laid their hand on them and sent them off.
Our churches today should have no more hesitation than this church did.
Day 28: The church of witnesses will send out and support missionaries. (Acts 13:4-12)
With the Holy Spirit sending them off (which really keeps the emphasis on the divine direction of all that was happening in the growth of the church), Paul and Barnabas embark on their first missionary journey.
They were supported by the church and went to preach the gospel, which is vital to being a missionary.
And why would they need to worry about anything? God had sent them on this mission and He would provide them with what they need to complete it.
For the glory of God,
Zayne Allen
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago
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