
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Book Review: The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler (2012)

   If I had the money, I would put a copy of The Explicit Gospel into the hands of every church-goer and self-proclaimed Christian in America. Matt Chandler, lead pastor of The Village Church in Dallas, Texas, with the help of Jared Wilson, does a great job of confronting the, as Christian Smith describes it, "Christian Moralistic Therapeutic Deism" worldview that is plaguing our churches. The reason I would give a copy to everyone is because I believe that they would read it. Between the fact that it is backed by pastors ranging from Rick Warren to Mark Dever, and its simplicity and readability, Chandler does a great job in presenting the glory of the gospel in such a way that even the most passive reader can stay interested. And if anyone were to read a book other than the Bible itself, a book on the importance of the gospel, knowing it clearly, and letting it affect every corner of your life is where I would point them.
   In the book, Matt Chandler directs his readers through the story of the Bible explaining the reason for atonement, the atonement itself, and the changes our lives should have as a result to it. At every moment, he keeps God as the highest focal point and His glory as the goal.

   If my initial statement didn't express this well enough, I highly recommend this book to everyone. You may just find out that the gospel you've always known isn't the gospel at all.

   "If you read only one book this year, make it this one. It's that important." - Rick Warren


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